

in your people, teams and business.

To succeed in today’s fast-changing business world, businesses need future-ready leaders who can drive positive change. These leaders are known as Change Agents. They make a difference in the business by being the driving force behind positive change.

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'Change Agent'
Manager Acceleration Program

‘Change Agent’ Manager Acceleration Program unlocks the right mix of skills and future-ready leadership to help your business succeed in transforming. We offer professional training, coaching, and tools for better personal and organizational performance.

To address this pressing need, we have developed a comprehensive and specialised program that focuses on equipping managers with the skills and knowledge to become true Change Agents. This program will provide them with valuable insights and a practical toolkit for leading their teams through complex and uncertain situations, while maximising the benefits of progress and innovation.

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The Change Agent – Manager Acceleration Program combines several learning elements to create a balanced blend of learning – integrating powerful interactions and application to generate a powerful learning journey for participants.

The online Learning Management System allows participants to accelerate their learning each month by viewing the pre- and post-content, completing activities and engaging in reflective discussions (with other participants).

Participants earn points as they go, with the ‘Leaderboard  featuring the most engaged participants each month.

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7 Key Ingredients of the
Change Agent
Manager Acceleration Program

Change Agent - Manager Acceleration Program equips leaders — and, in turn equips your business as a whole, to become more 'change-capable.’ We do this by using seven key ingredients which collectively impacts the beliefs, mindset, and behaviours that amplifies people’s ability to adapt to, and lead, in a fast changing world.

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1. Learning Agility Assessment + Strength Finder Assessment – The first assessment helps to unpack what is limiting any progress to learn and grow. The second assessment identifies the individuals strengths to unleash their full growth potential.

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2. 9 Impactful Workshops – a space where rich knowledge is delivered and powerful discussions are facilitated. This is where the learning is accelerated leading to deep insights and paradigm shifts. 

3. Pre-Post Workshop Material – 30 mins. To get ready for the learning it is important to prime the mind. Participants may also find the answers to some of the current challenges in the business.

This is where the learning is accelerated leading to deep insights and paradigm.

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4. Reflection Sessions with the Sponsor – This opens the door to great discussions – reflective and insightful conversations that would not normally happen. 

5. Business Improvement Project – This moves participants out of the daily operational mindset to explore an improvement opportunity and apply the knowledge and skills that are learnt on the program.

6. Group Coaching – There are 3 Group sessions to build skills and start behavioural changes with the support from their peers. 

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7. Presentation Session – at the conclusion of the program participants present their key learnings and an overview of their business improvement project.  Presenting to an audience clearly and confidently is a valuable skill – a skill that is key to being an effective change agent.

Business Improvement Project

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Change Agents Increase the Ownership of Change


Only by leading change internally, are we likely to create the necessary ‘authorship’ of the change that really drives ownership.

Individuals who define what the change means for them, and make the necessary improvements to how they work, will fully understand the change and feel responsible for its success – because it is their idea, not an idea imposed by others that they are adopting.

This authorship is driven by intrinsic motivation, the internal fire that drives people to achieve more and to take pride in what they are doing.

By enabling individuals to follow their own ideas, they are implementing change in a way that plays to their strengths, and the element of choice gives them autonomy which is linked to greater levels of happiness and productivity.

Everyone you meet has something valuable to teach you.

Participants not only learn from the workshops, online material, business improvement project and coaching – but they also get the support from other participants on the program.

By sharing their insights online and in the group discussion, they learn how to navigate themselves around challenging issues.

All participants want to learn and by generously sharing ideas and their industry knowledge – everyone gets a real in-depth experience whilst on the program.

It is not often that different industries come together to talk about current and real issues in business.

We encourage participants to share their insights and reflections in the Group Discussions in the Learning Management System. 

Developing Change Agents Accelerate The Learning Now

By starting now, participants receive the Pre-Program Material. This means they will have a planned schedule to get ready for the program in 2024. 

This allows the time to invest in the learning before the program starts (which can lead to breakthroughs that are needed now). By immersing in the learning can place participants in a fantastic position.

Step 1: Register your team member or yourself on the program. (click details below) 

Step 2: Start the Pre-Program material – which has over 20 resources. 

Step 3: Think ahead and ensure your team member | or you – are planning for 2024 so you can start the program with energy and motivation. 

Step 4: Organise a time and day to with Engine Room to complete the Learning Assessment and Development Plan. 

Step 5: Discuss the Business Improvement Project and ensure that others in your team are aware of the project idea. 

Develop your internal talent by giving them opportunities to learn on an ongoing basis. Set them up to succeed by ensuring they have the training and coaches needed to fill skill and mindset gaps. There is nothing more powerful than applying the learning and reflecting on that experience.

NEW 2023

In-Person OR Virtual

$ 7,650 / +GST

The program starts when you enrol – which you can do right now. 

Participants are able to immediately access the Pre-Program material via the Learning Management System. 

The In-Person Workshops run from March – November 2024.

Change Agent Certificate of completion

Gold Change Agent

Upon successful completion of all program activities, including a suitable Business Improvement Project, participants are awarded with an official Certificate of Completion from Engine Room Business Innovation, which they can also showcase on their LinkedIn profile. 

Engine Room Business Innovation Programs

Only a thriving workforce can sustain a thriving business. And we know (thanks to the science) that a proactive approach vs a reactive mindset to development is how we perform at our best.

Designed and Developed by Engine Room Business Innovation
